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2.1 AP with accompanying PP

If adjectives take a Adposition Phrase (PP argument), then it is generally optional, as in (1) below:

Hie is (in dät Wucht) heel fersketen.
he is in that girl very enamoured
He is very much in love (with that girl).

The PP complement of AP is discussed below with respect to optionality and animacy. Linear order is discussed in: Quantificational nature of the argument and linear order.


The prepositional complement of the adjective may also be realised as a clause related to the selected PP. In some cases, the related PP can be dropped:

Iek waas (deer) bliede (tou), dät iek deer owe waas.
I was there glad about that I there off was
“I was glad (about it) that I was free from that.”

Adjectives may be further classified depending on whether or not they impose an animacy restriction on their Noun Phrase NP argument functioning as subject. In general, the PP argument of an AP is optional. In idiomatic cases, however, the meaning of the adjective may differ, depending on whether or not the PP is present. An example is given below:

Hie is skäärp ap dät Wucht.
he is sharp on that girl
He is in love with that girl.
Hie is skäärp.
he is sharp
He is sharp.

In the second example, the meaning is ‘concentrated’, rather than ‘enamoured’.

Furthermore, in case a PP argument is present, there may be an animacy requirement on the subject, which is not there in case the PP is absent. This can also be illustrated by means of the two examples above. In the first example, the PP is present, and the subject must be animate. In the second example, the PP is absent, and the subject may be animate, but it need not be so, as is clear from the following example:

Ju Soppe is läip skäärp.
the soup is very sharp
The soup is very spicy.’
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