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Phonetic symbols

The symbols below has been standardised for Afrikaans (see AWS-11, also for their XSAMPA equivalents).


Table 1
Symbol Afrikaans example
i bier
y buur
u boer
e beer
ø beur
o boor
ə pit
ɛ pet
œ put
ɔ pot
æ rek
a raak
ɑ rak


Table 2
Symbol Afrikaans example
əi byt
œy buit
œu boud
eu Rio
ai raai
oi rooi
ui roei
ɑi kaiings
ɔi toiings


Table 3
Symbol Afrikaans example
p pad
b bad
t tak
d dak
c keel
ç geel
k kamma
ɡ gamma
x gram
ʔ beaam [bəʔam]
ɦ hotel
f vier
v wier
s soen
z zoem
ʃ sjaal
ʒ genre
ʧ tjek
ʤ jellie
ʦ tsaar
m mag
n nag
ɲ njala
ŋ ghantang
l looi
r rooi
w of ʋ twee
j jok


Table 4
Symbol Afrikaans example
ː lengthening/duration: [daːr]
ˈa primary stress, before syllable: [ˈɦɔn.dəˌɦɔk]
ˌa secondary stress, before syllable: [ˈɦɔn.dəˌɦɔk]
. or · syllable boundary: [ˈɦɔn.də] or [ˈɦɔn·də]

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