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Adjectives allowing stranded prepositions on their left and on their right in the positive degree only allow them to their right in the superlative degree.


The superlative element -st just seems to modify the adjective, not the Adjective Phrase AP as a whole. That may be morphologically true, but there is evidence that, syntactically, it modifies the AP as a whole. It turns out that adjectives allowing stranded prepositions on their left and on their right in the positive degree only allow them to their right in the superlative degree, as shown by the following sentences:

a. Positive degree, right and left placement
Dêr is er mei tefreden
there is he with content
He is content with that
Dêr is er tefreden mei
there is he content with
He is content with that
b. Superlative degree, only right placement
*Dêr is er mei it tefreden-st
there is he with the content.SUP
He is the most content with that
Dêr is er it tefreden-st mei
there is he the content.SUP with
He is the most content with that

Such facts can be construed as evidence that the superlative construction involves leftward movement of the adjective in order to pick up the superlative morpheme, with the result that it occurs to the left of the stranded preposition.

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