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Stress-bearing suffixes

There are several suffixes that bear the primary stress of the words they are part of. This word-final stress is the result of a stress shift, since stress shifts from the stem to the suffix.


Examples of complex words with a stress-bearing suffix are given in (1):

-inne [ɪnə] freon > freondinne /'frøən > frøən.'dɪn.nə/ friend > female friend
-esse [ɛsə] prins > prin'sesse /'prẽ:ns > prẽ:n.'sɛs.sə/ prince > princess
-erij [ərɛj] skriuw> skriuwerij /'skrjo:w > skrjo:.wə.'rɛj/ to write > writing
-eraasje [əra:sjə] striid > strideraasje /'stri:d > stri:.də.'ra:s.jə/ to struggle > struggling
-ist [ɪst] oargel > oargelist /'vwar.ɣəl > vwar.ɣə.'lɪst/ organ > organist


In addition to stress-bearing suffixes, there are also stress-neutral suffixes and stress-shifting suffixes.

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