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Deverbal adjectives

Deverbal adjectives are adjectives which are morphologically related to a verb. An example is the adjective afhanklik dependent, which is morphologically related to the verb afhang (van) depend (on). The preposition selected by a deverbal adjective is normally identical with that co-occurring with the verb. If the following sentence

Hulle is afkomstig van lande soos Lesotho.
they be.PRS coming.from countries like Lesotho
They come from countries such as Lesotho.

is paraphrased by utilising the corresponding verb, the preposition is retained:

Hulle kom van(af) lande soos Lesotho.
They come from countries like Lesotho.

Deverbal adjectives, while all derived from verbs as common origin, display various morphological structures. A large category is characterised by the use of suffixes such as -lik and -ig:

Die werkmag is afhanklik van openbare vervoer.
the work.force be.PRS dependent from public transport
The labour force is dependent on public transport.
Sy aanstelling is strydig met die Grondwet.
his appointment be.PRS incompatible with the Constitution
His appointment is incompatible with the Constitution.

A further category is that of the normal past participle form:

Mense bly verslaaf aan nikotien.
People remain addicted to nicotine.

Lastly, the pseudo-participle class based on the strong verb relics occurs in examples such as:

Ons is aangetrokke tot mekaar.
we be.PRS attracted to each.other
We are attracted to each other.

Linear order of adjective and PP complement is determined by the same considerations as in the case of pseudo-participles.

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