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Strong agreement

Attributive adjectives exhibit strong agreement with the following noun for the features number and gender in case they are preceded by a quantifier, except for the definite and demonstrative articles.


Attributive adjectives exhibit strong agreement with the following noun for the features number and gender. If the following noun is a neuter singular, there is zero inflection. All other cases exhibit a schwa, that is, in the plural and in the common gender.

Minimal pair for the feature number, given a neuter noun:

a. Gjin grien hûs
no green.SG house
No green house
b. Gjin grien-e huzen
no green.PL houses
No green houses

Minimal pair for the feature gender, given a singular noun:

a. In tûk-e feint
a smart.CG young.man
A smart young man
b. In tûk feintsje
a smart.NG young.man.DIM
A smart young man

The following charts represent the operation of strong agreement and make it clear that it works by addition of schwa to the stem. Chart of strong agreement:

Table 1
Gender Number Adjective
Neuter Singular -
Common Singular -e
Neuter and common Plural -e
Strong agreement can also be referred to as nominal agreement, because it is sensitive to the features number and gender of the following noun, unlike weak agreement. Weak agreement solely depends on the presence of three particular definite quantifiers: the article and the distal and proximate determiners. It can therefore also be referred to as quantificational agreement for the feature definiteness. The following table sums up the difference between strong and weak agreement:
Table 2
Weak agreement Strong agreement
Neuter, SG schwa zero
Other schwa schwa
A distinction must be made between triggering strong agreement and bearing it. All quantifiers except for the definite and demonstrative articles trigger strong agreement. All quantifiers bear strong agreement, except for the indefinite article in a and the negative article gjin no. The definite and demonstrative articles are exceptional in expressing strong agreement irregularly.

For more information on agreement in seventeenth and eighteenth century Frisian, see Hoekstra (2000).

  • Hoekstra, Jarich2000Ta de sterke eigenskipswurdbûging yn it FryskPhilologia Frisica anno 1999 : lezingen en neipetearen fan it ... Fryske filologekongres15110-126
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