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The suffix –technisch /ˈtɛxnis/ attaches to nouns to form adverbs or adjectives. In its adverbial use, the meaning contribution of the affix is: 'as far as N is concerned', where N is the base noun (example (1)). In adjectives, –technisch has a more literal meaning, pertaining to the technology denoted by the base noun (example (2)) Formations such as this can also be analyzed as compounds.

Agenda-technisch is dit een problem
agenda-SUFF is this a problem
agenda-wise this is a problem
Computer-technisch-e problemen
computer-technical-INFL problems
Computer-technical problems

Sometimes, the adverb is used as an adjective, bringing in the non-literal meaning (example (3)). Still other cases are ambiguous with regard to the literal or the non-literal meaning (see (4)):

relatie-technische nieuwjaarsvoornemens
relationship-SUFF new_year's_resolutions
relationship-related New Year's resolutions
computer-technisch ben ik niet zo handig
computer-SUFF am I not so handy
I'm not so handy with computers/ computer-wise I'm not so handy

The suffix –technisch has two uses. In one use it means 'technical' quite literally (mostly in adjectives). Such words may be analyzed as compounds rather than instances of suffixation. In the other use it appears as a more clearly suffixal element and has the semantic effect of domain specification or domain restriction (mostly in adverbs). The suffix may be preceded by the linking element -s-. This use of –technisch as an adverbial suffix is productive. Although it belongs to the non-native stratum of Dutch, it freely combines with both native and non-native nouns, as in geluidstechnisch sound-technical/ sound-wise and milieutechnisch environmental/ with regard to the environment respectively.

The suffix forms a prosodic word of its own. The main stress of adverbs and adjectives with -technisch is located on the first syllable of the suffix. There is a secondary stress on the syllable of the base word that corresponds with its main stress location when used as independent word. This is illustrated by the adjective/adverb agendatechnisch /aˌxɛndaˈtɛxnis/ as far as the agenda is concerned.

Derivations with -technisch do not occur as input for other derivations.

For more information, see Diepeveen (2012, chapter 14,online version)

  • Diepeveen, Ariane2012Modifying words. Dutch adverbial morphology in contrast.FU BerlinThesis
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