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Noun types

Relational nouns form a subclass of nouns. They do not involve an event but an inherent relation. In the example below, the noun designates the relation of 'being a brother of':

Joast is in broer fan Eeltsje
Joast is a brother of Eeltsje
Joast is a brother of Eeltsje

Nouns corresponding to verbs form another subclass of nouns (deverbal nouns). The noun bakker baker corresponds to the verb bakke bake, and the noun geëamel complaining to the verb eamelje complain. Nouns corresponding to adjectives form yet another subclass of nouns (deadjectival nouns). So the noun lilkens angriness corresponds to the adjective lilk angry. Picture and story nouns form a subclass of nouns. They do not involve an event or a relation but a created object that may involve a possessor, an agent and a theme, as is shown here:

It skilderij 'It Tepidarium' fan dy bleate frou fan Alma Tadema fan 'e firma Pears
the painting 'the Tepidarium' of that naked woman of Alma Tadema of the company Pears
The painting 'The Tepidarium' of a naked woman by Alma Tadema belonging to Pears Ltd


More details about the different Noun Types can be found by following the corresponding links:

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