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Secondary stress in pentasyllabic words

Depending on the location of the primary stress, pentasyllabic words can have one or two secondary stresses. If primary stress is on the penultimate, there is one secondary stress, located on the first syllable. If primary stress is on the ultimate or the antepenultimate syllable, there will be two secondary stresses: on the first and third sylllables in case of final primary stress, on the first and final syllables in case of antepenultimate primary stress.


Pentasyllabic words with penultimate primary stress have secondary stress on the initial syllable, in accordance with the Hammock Principle:

realisaasje [ˌre:.jal.li.ˈsa:s.jə] realization
organisaasje [ˌɔr.ɡan.ni.ˈsa:s.jə] organisation
abrakadabra [ˌa:.brak.kad.ˈda:.bra] abracadabra
aristokratysk [ˌar.rɪs.to:.'kra:.tisk] aristocratic

With final primary stress such words have two secondary stresses, on the first and the third syllables, which is in accordance with the Alternating Stress Principle. See the examples in (2):

metodology [ˌme:.to:.ˌdo:.lo:.'ɡi] methodology
parallellogram [ˌpar.ral.ˌlɛl.lo:.ˈɡram] parallelogram
onomatopee [ˌo:.no:.ˌma:.to:.ˈpe:] onomatopoeia
kommunikatyf [ˌkom.my.ˌni.kat.ˈtif] communicative

Pentasyllabic words with antepenultimate primary stress are rare; they have secondary stresses on the first as well as on the last syllable. Most of these words end in a sequence of a high vowel followed by a homorganic glide, which often avoids primary stress (see High-vowel-plus-homorganic-glide-restriction). The example in (3) is in conformity with the Alternating Stress Principle:

kafetaria [ˌkaf.fə.ˈta:.ri.ˌja] cafeteria
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