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Modification of content nouns following a measure noun

The content noun following a measure noun may almost always only be modified by adjectives, and will in most cases not allow for modification by a quantifier or a demonstrative.


The content noun may be modified in different ways.

i. Modification of content nouns by adjectives:

The content noun may be modified by adjectives in all four types of partitive constructions with measure nouns, as is illustrated below.

High quantity measure nouns:
'n klomp kwaai mense
a bunch angry people
a bunch of angry people
Low quantity measure nouns:
'n bietjie flou tee
a little weak tea
a little bit of weak tea
Exact quantity measure nouns:
'n liter suur melk
a litre sour milk
a litre of sour milk
Numeral measure nouns:
'n dosyn vars eiers
a dozen fresh eggs
a dozen fresh eggs

ii. Modification of content nouns by quantifiers:

The content noun may not be modified by quantifiers, as is illustrated by the examples below. This may be due to the fact that the measure noun is itself a kind of quantifier.

High quantity measure nouns:
*'n klomp alle mense
a bunch all people
a lot of all people
Low quantity measure nouns:
*'n bietjie alle tee
a little all tea
a little bit of all tea
Exact quantity measure nouns:
*'n liter alle melk
a litre all milk
a litre of all milk
Numeral measure nouns:
*'n dosyn alle eiers
a dozen all eggs
a dozen all eggs

iii. Modification of content nouns by demonstratives:

The content noun may also not be modified by a demonstrative pronoun in the bare partitive construction, although it may be in case the two nouns are joined by a preposition.

The following sentences show that the content noun may not be modified by a demonstrative in a bare partitive construction containing a measure noun, though it is allowed in a prepositional partitive construction:

a. *'n kilo hierdie lekkergoed
a kilo these tasty.things
a kilo of these sweets
b. 'n kilo van hierdie lekkergoed
a kilo PTCL.PTV these tasty.things
a kilo of these sweets
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