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No movement of the IPI-construction

An Imperativus-pro-Infinitivo (IPI)-construction cannot be preposed.


An IPI-construction cannot be moved, as is illustrated by the ungrammaticality of the following examples, in which an IPI has been preposed to the beginning of the matrix clause. The example below involves an adjunct IPI:

a. Hy kin wol nei Geeske ta gean [en jou har it boek]
He can DcP to Geeske to go and give her the book
He could go to Geeske and give her the book
b. *[En jou har it boek] kin hy wol nei Geeske ta gean
and give her the book can he DcP to Geeske to go
And give her the book, he could go to Geeske

The example below illustrates that an argument IPI cannot be moved either:

a. Ik bin net fan doel [en fertel har ús takomstplannen]
I am not of purpose and tell her our future.plans
I do not intend to tell them our plans for the future
b. *[En fertel har ús takomstplannen] bin ik net fan doel
And tell them our future.PLans am I not of purpose
To tell them our plans for the future, I do not intend to
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