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Some control verbs

The modal verb doare dare must appear in a clause-union structure, unless it selects a cataphoric object pronoun or a verbal particle. It need not be adjacent to the verb which it selects, even if clause-union has taken place. The verbs discussed here may display the so-called third construction, in which arguments of the main verb show up to the left and to the right of the selecting verb. An example is presented below:

Omdat er har doe pas besocht mei har wurk te helpen
because he her then only tried with her work to help
Because only then did he try to help her with her work

This property differentiates the verbs discussed here from the verb hoege need, which does not allow the third construction. Not all control verbs discussed here behave alike. The verb besykje try behaves like doare dare in case they select a clause-union structure, but they differ in that besykje try can select a clause without clause-union, without there being a cataphoric pronoun present.


Some control verbs such as doare dare or besykje try selecting a to-infinitive can appear in a clause-union structure, as shown below:

a. Omdat er har mei har wurk doarde te helpen
because he her with her work dared to help
Because he did dare to help her with her work
b. Omdat er har mei har wurk besocht te helpen
because he her with her work tried to help
Because he did try to help her with her work

The to-infinitive does not usually occur to the left of the selecting verb:

a. ?Omdat er har mei har wurk te helpen doarde
because he her with her work to help dared
Because he did dare to help her with her work
b. ?Omdat er har mei har wurk te helpen besocht
because he her with her work to help tried
Because he did try to help her with her work

Arguments of the infinitival verb may appear to the left and to the right of the selecting verb, intervening between the selecting verb and the to-infinitive, as shown below:

a. ?Omdat er har doe pas doarde mei har wurk te helpen
because he her then only dared with her work to help
Because only then did he dare to help her with her work
b. Omdat er har doe pas besocht mei har wurk te helpen
because he her then only tried with her work to help
Because only then did he try to help her with her work

It seems as if the main clause and the embedded clause still participate in clause-union, regardless of where the matrix verb is positioned. clause-union is evident from the presence of arguments of the infinitival verb to the right and to the left of the matrix verb. Such a construction is referred to in generative grammar as the third construction or as verb projection raising. clause-union is incompatible with the nonfinite complementiser om for. This is illustrated below for the verb doare dare, which obligatorily selects a clause-union structure:

*Omdat er har doe doarde om mei har wurk te helpen
because he her then dared for with her work to help
Because he did dare to help her with her work

The verb besykje try differs from the verb doare dare in this respect, since it may, but need not, select a clause-union structure. If besykje try selects a clause-union structure, more specifically a so-called third construction, the complementiser om for must remain absent:

*Omdat er har doe besocht om mei har wurk te helpen
because he her then tried for with her work to help
Because he did try to help her with her work

If besykje try selects an independent complement clause, then the complementiser om for may be present:

Omdat er doe besocht om har mei har wurk te helpen
because he then tried for her with her work to help
Because he then tried to help her with her work

The verb doare dare cannot select an independent complement clause, unless the cataphoric pronoun it it is present:

a. *Omdat er doe pas doarde om har mei har wurk te helpen
because he only then dared for her with her work to help
Because only then did he dare to help her with her work
b. Omdat er it doe pas doarde om har mei har wurk te helpen
because he it only then dared for her with her work to help
Because only then did he dare to help her with her work

The selecting verb may be accompanied by the present of a verbal particle:

Omdat er it doe pas oandoarde om har mei har wurk te helpen
because he it only then to.dared for her with her work to help
Because only then did he dare to help her with her work

The verbs besykje try and probearje try out pattern alike to a large extent, though not completely, as far as the basic facts of clause-union, verb clustering and the third construction are involved.

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