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Penultimate stress as the default location of primary stress in Dutch?

Many longer words in Dutch have penultimate stress. Stress attraction to the penultimate syllable is particularly strong if the penultimate syllable is closed or contains a diphthong (yet diphthongs also attract stress in final position of a word); yet a preference for penultimate stress can also be seen in cases where both the penult and the final syllable are open and contain A-class vowels (A).

[+]Disyllabic words

The preference is most clearly visible in disyllabic words of the structure A-A, where 136 out of 165 items in Celex (Baayen 1995) have penultimate stress, and only 29 have final stress.

Penultimate primary stress in words of the structure A-A
aqua [ˈa.kʋa] aqua
bruto [ˈbry.to] gross
flora ['flo.ra] flora
goeroe ['xu.ru] guru
pizza ['pi.tsa] pizza
saga [ˈsa.ɣa] saga
Final primary stress in words of the structure A-A
aha [a.'ha] aha
café [kɑ.ˈfe] café
cliché [kli.ˈʃe] cliché
rosé [ro.'ze] rosé
taboe [ta.'bu] taboo
[+]Trisyllabic words

In trisyllabic words of the structure A-A-A, the Celex database only shows a very slight preference for penultimate stress (55 out of 120) over antepenultimate stress (47 out of 120) and final stress (18 out of 120).

Penultimate primary stress in words of structure A-A-A
arena [a.'re.na] arena
casino [ka.'zi.no] casino
kanarie [ka.'na.ri] canary
munitie [my.'ni.tsi] ammunition
opinie [o.'pi.ni] opinion
politie [po.'li.tsi] police
spinazie [spi.'na.zi] spinach
Antepenultimate stress in words of the structure A-A-A
alibi ['a.li.bi] alibi
kolibri ['ko.li.bri] hummingbird
patio ['pa.tsi.jo] patio
platina ['pla.ti.na] platinum
video ['vi.de.jo] video
Final primary stress in words of structure A-A-A
calorie [ka.lo.'ri] calorie
chocola [ʃo.ko.ˈla] chocolate
kariboe [ka.ri.'bu] caribou
negligé [ne.gli.ˈʒe] négligée
parodie [pa.ro.'di] parody
[+]Quadrisyllabic words

In quadrisyllabic words of the structure A-A-A-A, penultimate stress is not the most frequent pattern in Celex: 12 of 22 items have antepenultimate stress, eight have penultimate stress, two have final stress; yet note that nine of the twelve items with antepenultimate stress end in [–ija], a context that strongly disfavors stress. Thus, leaving these words aside, we would find a preference for penultimate stress.

Final primary stress in words of the structure A-A-A-A
azoturie [a.zo.ty.'ri] azoturia
charivari [xa.ri.va.'ri] charivari
Antepenultimate primary stress in words of the structure A-A-A-A
acacia [a.'ka.si.ja] acacia
alinea [a.'li.ne.ja] paragraph
majolica [ma.'jo.li.la] maiolica
clavicula [kla.'vi.ku.la] collarbone
Penultimate primary stress in words of the structure A-A-A-A
avocado [a.vo.'ka.do] avocado
furioso [fy.ri.'jo.zo] furioso
maharishi [ma.ha.ˈri.ʃi] maharishi
oregano [o.re.ˈɣa.no] oregano
ravioli [ra.vi.'jo.li] ravioli
  • Baayen, R. Harald, Piepenbrock, Richard & Gulikers, L1995The CELEX Lexical Database (CD-ROM), Release 2, Dutch Version 3.1
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