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Subject and object

The paradigm of interrogative pronouns is sensitive to the feature [<person>]. Subjects and objects which are presupposed to be [<+person>] are questioned with the word wa who. Subjects and objects which are presupposed to be [<-person>] are questioned with the question word wat what. There is no case difference between the subject and object forms. Only a subset of personal pronouns makes a case distinction between subject and object.


Interrogative pronouns are found in the first position of the clause. The following example involves a subject question:

a. Juster kaam Siebe thús
yesterday came Siebe home
Yesterday, Siebe came home
b. Wa kaam juster thús?
who came yesterday home
Who came home yesterday?

The following example involves an object question:

a. Ik ha Siebe juster sjoen
I have Siebe yesterday seen
I saw Siebe yesterday
b. Wa hasto juster sjoen?
who have.you yesterday seen
Who did you see yesterday?
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