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Types of complemented nouns

In this section, three subclasses of nouns that are typically complemented distinguished, namely a) relational nouns, b) deverbal nouns, and c) deadjectival nouns.

a) Relational complemented nouns

This subclass of nouns do not involve an event but an inherent relation. In the example below, the noun designates the relation of 'being a sister of':

Janel is 'n suster van Mia
Janel be.PRS a sister PTCL.GEN Mia
Janel is a sister of Mia

b) Deverbal complemented nouns

Nouns corresponding to verbs form another subclass of nouns. The noun boer farmer corresponds to the verb boer to farm in the first example, and the noun gekla complaining to the verb kla to complain in the second example below.

a. Die boer het verlede jaar nog met suiker geboer.
the farmer have.AUX last year still with sugar farm.PST
Only last year, the farmer was still farming sugar.
b. Die gekla van die mense wat heeltyd net kla, maak my klaar.
The complaining of the people that.REL whole.time just complain make me finish
The complainers’ constant complaining is draining me.

c) Deadjectival complemented nouns

Nouns corresponding to adjectives form yet another subclass of nouns. So the noun kwaaiheid angriness corresponds to the adjective kwaai angry.

Hy is nou so kwaai, sy kwaaiheid wys sommer deur sy oë.
he be.PRS now so angry his angriness show even through his eyes
He is so angry now, his angriness is even showing through his eyes.

More details about the different noun types can be found by following the corresponding links:

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