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Prepositional complement interpretation

The Noun Phrase (NP) which is found in the structural subject position of the copula is interpreted as the prepositional complement object of the infinitive. This is only allowed in case the NP is an R-pronoun:

Der is net mei te praten
R is not with to talk
There is no talking to him

If the object argument is realised as an Adposition Phrase (PP), the copula is introduced by der there, unless the PP is found in the domain of the copula:

a. Der is net mei him te laitsjen
there is not with him to laugh
There is no laughing with him
b. Mei him is net te praten
with him is not to talk
He is unreasonable

The construction does not allow a prepositional complement that is not an R-pronoun to be raised to the structural subject position of the copula. Counterexamples are apparent as they involve an empty R-pronoun:

Dy man (dêr) is net mei te praten
that man R is not with to talk
That man is completely unreasonable

It follows that the sentence becomes ungrammatical in case the full NP is forced to occupy the structural subject position:

?*Neffens Jouke is dy man net mei te praten
according Jouke is that man not with to talk
According to Jouke, that man is totally unreasonable

Likewise, a plural NP fails to trigger agreement on the verb:

a. *Dy mannen binne net mei te praten
that man are not with to talk
Those men are totally unreasonable
b. Dy mannen is net mei te praten
that man is not with to talk
Those men are totally unreasonable

The construction also allows of an understood impersonal subject, and in that case it seems to involve PP-raising:

Mei him is net te praten
with him is not to talk
He is unreasonable

The R-pronoun is interpreted as the prepositional complement, which was empty in the previous examples, but the prepositional complement may also be realised as a personal pronoun:

a. Der is net mei te praten
R is not with to talk
He is unreasonable
b. Der is net mei him te praten
R is not with him to talk
He is unreasonable

Even if the R-pronoun binds the prepositional complement, it nevertheless does not participate in agreement.

De lju.PL dêr't net mei te praten is.SG
the people R-REL.COMP not with to talk is
The people who are totally unreasonable

If the prepositional complement is realised as a pronoun, then no relativization is possible:

*De lju.PL dêr't net mei har te praten is.SG
the people R-REL.COMP not with them to talk is
The people who are totally unreasonable
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