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Bare supplementives

A bare supplementive consists of an Adposition Phrase (PP) that is not subcategorised, and which may be viewed therefore as a special kind of adverbial. The supplementive is usually predicated of the subject, and occasionally of the direct object. An example of a supplementive phrase is given below:

As studint
as student
As a student

The as as phrase characteristically occurs as a bare supplementive:

As studint kinst dêr goedkeap ite
as student can.2SG there cheap eat
As a student you can eat there for a low price

Other PPs can also be used as supplementives:

a. Gurbe sljurke [heal yn 'e sûs] by de sleatswâl del
Gurbe slid half in the swoon at the ditch.side down
Gurbe slid down the side of the ditch almost unconscious
b. It wie Petra dy't [alhiel fan streek] meidielde dat mem siik wie
it was Petra who quite off stride informed that mother was ill
It was Petra who informed us quite upset that mother was ill

PP supplementives tend to be accompanied by a modifying measure phrase. The following example is slightly odd:

?It wie Petra dy't [fan streek] meidielde dat mem siik wie
it was Petra who off stride informed that mother was ill
Lit. It was Petra who informed us upset that mother was ill

See also Adjective Phrase (AP): the bare supplementive.

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