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No IPIs with the verb of causation

Neither the argument Imperativus-pro-Infinitivo construction (IPI) nor the adjunct IPI can be found with the verb of causation litte let.


The verb of causation selects an ordinary infinitival clause which optionally contains a subject:

Jouke liet syn soan de tún omhakje
Jouke let his son the garden over.turn
Jouke let his son turn over the garden

IPIs do not occur with this verb, as shown in (2), regardless of whether the adjunct IPI is involved, as in the first example, or the argument IPI:

a. *Jouke liet syn soan de tún omhakje en set der pûltsjes yn
Jouke let his son the garden over.turn and put there sugar.peas in
Jouke let his son turn over the garden and plant sugar peas there
b. *Jouke liet (it) en hakje syn soan de tún om
Jouke let it and turn his son the garden over
Jouke let his son turn over the garden

It is not the presence of the subject which causes the ungrammaticality of to-infinitivals with the verb of causation, since leaving out the subject yields an ungrammatical result as well. If, however, the subject is absent with ordinary infinitival complements to perception verbs, the result is completely grammatical, as (3) shows:

Jouke liet de tún omhakje
Jouke let the garden over.turn
Jouke let the garden be turned over

The complement of the verb of causation is not an argument, at least it cannot be pronominalised, whereas this is possible with a verb of perception:

*Jouke liet dat
Jouke let that
Jouke let that

As mentioned, the distribution of argument IPIs is a subset of the distribution of to-infinitival clauses optionally or obligatorily introduced by the non-finite complementiser om for. It follows that to-infinitives may not be found with the verb of causation either, as is clear from the example below:

a. *Jouke liet (om) syn soan de tún om te hakjen
Jouke let for his son the garden over to turn
Jouke let his son turn over the garden
b. *Jouke liet (om) de tún om te hakjen
Jouke let for the garden over to turn
Jouke let the garden be turned over
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