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1.3.4.Other cases

This section briefly mentions two other types of derived noun, formed by nonproductive suffixation processes. As shown by example (235), some prepositions can be turned into nouns by adding the diminutive ending -je (or one of its allomorphs). All the resulting nouns are fully lexicalized.

a. om'around'
a'. ommetje'stroll'
b. uit'out (of)'
b'. uitje'outing'
c. toe'after'
c'. toetje'desert'
d. tussendoor'in between'
d'. tussendoortje'snack'
e. vooraf'beforehand'
e'. voorafje'appetizer'

Fairly frequent is the use of a numeral as the basis of noun formation. In most cases a suffix is used, as in (236a), though bare numerals may also have a nominal use, as shown in (236b).

a. tweeling'twin', tiental'ten/dozen', tientje'tenner'
b. een zes(je)'a (meager) six', een twee'a two', etc.
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